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Nemours Behavioral Health and Developmental Medicine and Swank Autism Center Open in New Home
New facility offers expanded assessment and treatment options, autism-friendly environment

Wilmington, DE - Nemours Behavioral Health and Developmental Medicine and the Swank Autism Center have moved into newly renovated space in Rockland Center II on Rockland Road, directly across from the Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children. On October 9, faculty showcased the beautiful new center for invited guests, including government officials, child mental health providers, donors and families who were consulted in the planning stages. The building is designed in a way that is sensitive to patients’ sensory needs, and includes features, color and lighting that are pleasing yet not overstimulating.

 In answer to a long-expressed community need, Nemours has recruited more providers in the fields of pediatrics, psychology, psychiatry and social work, to care for children and teens with autism spectrum disorders and developmental, behavioral and emotional concerns.  The enhancements to space, staff and programs were made possible by a significant investment from Nemours and through the generosity of many donors, including the Swank Foundation, Dan and Susan Katzin of Wilmington, and Concordville Nissan Subaru.

Executive VP Roy Proujansky, MD, said the center underscores Nemours’ commitment to treat the whole child, and to optimize the experience for patients, families and providers. Chief Psychologist Jennifer Shroff Pendley, PhD, described community needs assessments that showed child mental health services to be the #1 area of need and the steps Nemours and our community partners have taken to address the need. Swank Autism Center Director Diane Treadwell-Deering, MD, said Nemours has committed to building an autism program of excellence---in clinical care, training, research and advocacy. Lt. Governor Bethany Hall-Long spoke about the benefits of Nemours resources to Delawareans and parents Robyn Bascelli and Kristin Baronio, both of Wilmington, each described their family’s journey with Nemours’ behavioral health team and their participation in the planning process for the new facility.

For further information: Karen Bengston Nemours Public Relations, 302-293-4928